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  • The Bush Administration is showing that is nothing more than a policestate, rapidly turning into an overt fascist dictotarship … Like it or not. read: newamericancentury. org

    Think Progress » Bush Gives Saudi Sex Slaves the A-Okay 2005

  • What if the DNC story about microwave weapons was a ruse, a strategic distraction, and the REAL rollout of policestate technology were to happen against protesters at the Repubican Convention?

    Alex Jones' Prison 2009

  • They will wake sooner or later when the Nazis make a pure policestate hell.

    Alex Jones' Prison 2009

  • Btw, people watching the US turn into a dictatorship and policestate sometimes refer to the US as the 4th Reich …

    Alex Jones' Prison 2009

  • "policestate-likeness" of Orlando, BANNING something else wouldn't???

    SplicedFeed 2010


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