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  • Torto also pointed out that certain procedures were also flouted because the head of 'poro' was allowed to speak at that meeting, which is improper because only the chiefdom councillors are allowed to speak.

    AllAfrica News: Latest 2009

  • He said that the provincial secretary and his assessor chiefs ruled Torto out because they say there had never been a female paramount chief in the chiefdom of Nimiyama and that the paramount chief has to be a member of the 'poro', which she is not.

    AllAfrica News: Latest 2009

  • However, a blind man who I understand is the head of the 'poro' society (a male secret society that is practically the native governing body, that influences government) objected that I am not a member of the 'poro', "Torto explained to IPS.

    AllAfrica News: Latest 2009

  • The good headlines is which when a poro parody is made, scouting shold be easy - Holly Sampson in pictures (NSFW), as good as a others too: alg_veronica_siwik_daniels

    News on Fire: Anorak News Blog Archive Tiger Woods' Women: Wonder ... admin 2009

  • The good headlines is which when a poro parody is made, scouting shold be easy - Holly Sampson in pictures (NSFW), as good as a others too: alg_veronica_siwik_daniels

    Archive 2009-12-01 admin 2009

  • Only Yesterday Omohide poro poro– but if the story writing is mediocre or bad, which is unfortunately how I feel about considerably more than half the anime I have seen, it is hard to keep up my interest.

    The Anime Blog Poll: Are You an Anime Visualist or Literaist? | The Anime Blog 2007

  • That poro really glitters with all those jewels, a lovely recipe Nandita.

    Poro - the jewelled Parsi Omelette 2007

  • J and I were supposed to go down to the breakwater with our poro-poros, take pictures, and draw things.

    meli Diary Entry meli 2003

  • -- Halted at Ghaloom's, the Rafflesiacea is found all about, anth. bilocular, apice poro-gemino dehiscent, pollen simplex, materie viscosa cohaerenti, ovula antitropa, tegumento unico.

    Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries William Griffith

  • Qualcomm cuts its poro forma operating income forecast for the year to a range of $3.2 billion to $3.5 billion, from a range of $3.7 billion to $3.9 billion.

    Telecom Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha 2009


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