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  • With our capitalist version of what Wedel describes as the "merging of state and private power that characterized both communism and postcommunism," we're getting to the point where the only difference between senior congressional staffers and the lobbyists and influence launderers whose ranks they'll soon join is the size of their paychecks.

    Arianna Huffington: The First HuffPost Book Club Pick of 2010: Shadow Elite by Janine Wedel 2010

  • It tells us something about postcommunism in Eastern Europe — and, by implication, about ourselves in the West.

    How to Read a Book Darnton, Robert 1996

  • Revolution in Russia, civil war in Yugoslavia, the agonies of postcommunism in Central Europe ” and the European Community plods along to its intergovernmental conferences, as if nothing had happened.

    Let the East Europeans In! Moisi, Dominique 1991


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