
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Of or relating to products that have been used and recycled by consumers.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective After use by a consumer.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

post- +‎ consumer


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  • Most paper products envelopes, letterhead, posters, etc. were printed on paper containing 50-100% postconsumer recycled content.

    Allen Hershkowitz: Greening the Grammys: It All Adds Up Allen Hershkowitz 2012

  • Most paper products envelopes, letterhead, posters, etc. were printed on paper containing 50-100% postconsumer recycled content.

    Allen Hershkowitz: Greening the Grammys: It All Adds Up Allen Hershkowitz 2012

  • The U.S. Geological Survey, for example, differentiates between “old,” or postconsumer, scrap, and “new,” or preconsumer, scrap, which consists of leftover shreds from the production process that never leave the factory.

    THE STORY OF STUFF Annie Leonard 2010

  • The last book was made from postconsumer recycled content, which is a higher form of recycling than using preconsumer paper because it diverts would-be municipal waste back into useful products.

    THE STORY OF STUFF Annie Leonard 2010

  • The last book was made from postconsumer recycled content, which is a higher form of recycling than using preconsumer paper because it diverts would-be municipal waste back into useful products.

    THE STORY OF STUFF Annie Leonard 2010

  • The Environmental Paper Network EPN is a coalition of dozens of groups using market-based strategies to promote paper production from postconsumer recycled paper, agricultural waste, alternative fibers, or sustainably certified trees rather than virgin forests.

    THE STORY OF STUFF Annie Leonard 2010

  • Costa Rica's TNF Ecopapers makes tree-free notebooks using 80% postconsumer waste and 20% banana fibers that would otherwise have been trashed.

    Avital Binshtock: High-Grade Goods: Take Back-to-School Shopping Back to the Earth 2010

  • The Aluminum Association, an industry trade group, lumps these streams together in its calculations, which gives the impression that a higher percentage (close to a third) of aluminum comes from “recycled” (or “recovered”) sources, when in truth real recycling (postconsumer) accounts for less than one-fifth of the supply.

    THE STORY OF STUFF Annie Leonard 2010

  • Costa Rica's TNF Ecopapers makes tree-free notebooks using 80% postconsumer waste and 20% banana fibers that would otherwise have been trashed.

    Avital Binshtock: High-Grade Goods: Take Back-to-School Shopping Back to the Earth 2010

  • Preconsumer (meaning trimmings from the paper factory that have never been touched by consumers) or postconsumer (meaning it was used and discarded by consumers)?

    THE STORY OF STUFF Annie Leonard 2010


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