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  • They are not voluminous; no high-sounding name grace their title page; nor are they ushered into the world in ponderous tomes whose potentous dimensions excite the awe of the vulgar and the reverence of the critic.

    "Our Literature," Composition of Theodore B. Kingsbury for the Dialectic Society, September 1848 1848

  • Actually, there runs a whisper through the best informed Upper-Circles, or a nod still more potentous than whispering, of his Majesty's flying to Metz; of a Bond (to stand by him therein) which has been signed by

    The French Revolution Thomas Carlyle 1838

  • Consistent and potentous selfishness, combined with dulness of imagination is probably just as transmissible as want of self - control, though destitute of the amiable qualities not rarely associated with the genetic composition of persons of unstable mind. ''

    Reasoned Audacity 2009


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