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  • What is the difference between a hassock, a tuffet, and a pouff?

    Hassocks, Tuffets & Pouffes, Oh My! gailcarriger 2008

  • In Victorian times the following distinction was drawn: a hassock is more likely to have feet and be square, a tuffet is usually round with feet like a covered stool, and a pouff is round with no feet.

    Hassocks, Tuffets & Pouffes, Oh My! gailcarriger 2008

  • There was never going to be an adorable little war that would last for eight or 10 months and then pouff! everyone would settle their differences over mint tea and the dust would die down.

    Britannia Ruled the Waves 2007

  • There was a pouff! and a hideous cloud of vapor spread up and out.

    Demons Don't Dream Anthony, Piers 1993

  • He had seen houses flaring, set afire by incendiary bombs, and once at a corner he had been knocked off his bicycle by the pouff of a bursting shell ....

    Mr. Britling Sees It Through 1906

  • Without her consent I can touch nothing; and if I divorce her, pouff! all goes to the State.

    The Lure of the Mask Harold MacGrath 1901

  • Marie died last night at the lazaretto of the Fort: she was attacked by what they call the _lavérette-pouff_, -- a form of the disease which strangles its victim within a few hours.

    Two Years in the French West Indies Lafcadio Hearn 1877

  • Alas for that age of pouff which he satirised with such a caustic pen!

    The Lovels of Arden 1875

  • Lady Laura's own especial sanctum, the last and smallest of four drawing-rooms -- a nest lined with crimson silk, and crowded with everything foolish in the way of ebony and ormolu, Venetian glass and Sèvres china, and with nothing sensible in it except three or four delicious easy-chairs of the _pouff_ species, immortalised by Sardou.

    The Lovels of Arden 1875

  • Well, I was behind, but Hazy and the fox seemed to me to be joined together running, when all of a sudden -- pouff!

    It Is Never Too Late to Mend Charles Reade 1849


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