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  • [36] As distinguished from the pre-exilian people.

    The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job - Koheleth - Agur Emile Joseph Dillon 1894

  • It is the kernel of the whole, and refers to the pre-exilian time.

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881

  • But the Priestly Code exhibits some peculiarities by which it is distinguished from the pre-exilian remains in matters sacrificial.

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881

  • This is seen from 2Samuel vii., a section with whose historicity we have here nothing to do, but which at all events reflects the view of a pre-exilian author.

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881

  • In authors of a certainly pre-exilian date tbe word occurs only twice, both times in a perfectly general sense.

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881

  • All that is asserted is that in pre-exilian antiquity the priests 'own praxis

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881

  • ***************************************** even in the pre-exilian period, but alongside of it at that time, the freewill private offerings had a much more important place, and bulked much more largely.

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881

  • In the whole pre-exilian literature the former is mentioned only three times altogether, but never in connection with sacrifice, where, on the contrary, the ordinary meal is used (Judges vi.

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881


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