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  • Her panties were damp, and a drop of precome shot to the head of his dick.

    Game for Seduction Bella Andre 2009

  • Her panties were damp, and a drop of precome shot to the head of his dick.

    Game for Seduction Bella Andre 2009

  • Her panties were damp, and a drop of precome shot to the head of his dick.

    Game for Seduction Bella Andre 2009

  • Her panties were damp, and a drop of precome shot to the head of his dick.

    Game for Seduction Bella Andre 2009

  • But little old me can't diagnose this; you'll need to get checked out by a doctor or urologist to be certain. too much precome - HOME PAGE 2010

  • While it's possible he may have ejaculated, it's also likely he soaked himself with his Cowper's fluid (precome). - HOME PAGE 2010

  • My ex-boyfriend told me one day, while we were kissing, that a spot on his pants was from precome. - HOME PAGE 2010

  • Biology loves diversity and it doesn't stop with precome. - HOME PAGE 2010

  • Some men have little to no precome (maybe a drop or less), while others drip like a leaky faucet. - HOME PAGE 2010

  • I did some research on your site and was wondering if it is logical that he would have created that much precome that it soaked through his pants. - HOME PAGE 2010


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