
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of preengage.


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  • They had a good time on the water, for the captain had made careful inquiries about the best fishing grounds, and the mishaps of Locker were so numerous and so provocative of queer remarks from himself, that the captain and Olive sometimes forgot to pull up their fish, so preengaged were they in laughing.

    The Captain's Toll-Gate Frank Richard Stockton 1868

  • In consequence of this, his conduct towards her became reserved and distant; very naturally, to her mortification; though her own affections had been preengaged, for she soon after married a Mr. Williamson.

    Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe Harris, Thaddeus M 1838

  • Yet, had not my heart been thus preengaged, Mr. H ... might probably have been the sole master of it; but the place was full, and the force of conjectures alone had made him the possessor of my person; the charms of which had, by the bye, been his sole object and passion, and were, of course, no foundation for a love either very delicate or very durable.

    Memoirs Of Fanny Hill A New and Genuine Edition from the Original Text (London, 1749) John Cleland 1749

  • "The other's self-destruct sequence was preengaged.

    Jed the Dead Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1997


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