
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Same as prelusorily.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a prelusive manner.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

prelusive +‎ -ly


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  • The visitor removed his hat, and the first words were spoken; Elfride prelusively looking with a deal of interest, not unmixed with surprise, at the person towards whom she was to do the duties of hospitality.

    A Pair of Blue Eyes 2006

  • The nations of the planet, like ships of war manœuvring prelusively to some great engagement, are silently taking up their positions, as it were, for future action and reaction, reciprocally for doing and suffering.

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXVI. October, 1843. Vol. LIV. Various

  • The visitor removed his hat, and the first words were spoken; Elfride prelusively looking with a deal of interest, not unmixed with surprise, at the person towards whom she was to do the duties of hospitality.

    A Pair of Blue Eyes Thomas Hardy 1884

  • A tradition, or whatever it was, that had flowered prelusively in the Princess herself -- well, Amerigo's very discretions were his way of taking account of it.

    The Golden Bowl — Volume 1 Henry James 1879

  • A tradition, or whatever it was, that had flowered prelusively in the Princess herself -- well, Amerigo's very discretions were his way of taking account of it.

    The Golden Bowl — Complete Henry James 1879

  • A tradition, or whatever it was, that had flowered prelusively in the Princess herself -- well, Amerigo's very discretions were his way of taking account of it.

    The Golden Bowl — Volume 1 Henry James 1879

  • A tradition, or whatever it was, that had flowered prelusively in the Princess herself -- well, Amerigo's very discretions were his way of taking account of it.

    The Golden Bowl — Complete Henry James 1879

  • A tradition, or whatever it was, that had flowered prelusively in the Princess herself -- well, Amerigo's very discretions were his way of taking account of it.

    The Golden Bowl — Volume 1 Henry James 1879

  • A tradition, or whatever it was, that had flowered prelusively in the Princess herself -- well, Amerigo's very discretions were his way of taking account of it.

    The Golden Bowl — Complete Henry James 1879


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