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  • If the fundamentalist approach typically what is in technical terms known as "premillenialism" and often "premillenial dispensationalism" is correct, then we'd have to imagine the following as a plausible exchange between the book's author and its original readers: Reader: "Hey John, remember that book you sent us a while back?"

    Christian Fundamentalism Views Revelation as a Mean Joke James F. McGrath 2008

  • This conflation of evangelicalism and premillenialism (and fundamentalism) goes on all the time.

    Puncturing a gas bag ... Frank Wilson 2006

  • He identifies evolutionism as a form of religion and portrays the conflict between creationism and evolutionism as a fight between two religious doctrines, a struggle between premillenialism, the doctrine that earthly perfection will only be achieved after, and as a consequence, of the Second Coming, and postmillenialism, the view that Christ will return, if at all, only after earthly paradise has been achieved.

    The Wars Over Evolution Lewontin, Richard C. 2005

  • Just curiously, did you confuse premillenialism with pre-tribulationalism?

    Joels Trumpet 2009

  • Rushdoony utterly rejected the dispensational premillenialism at the core of Palin’s eschatology.

    Palin Thinks US Is Now at War With Iran « Blog 2008

  • Most Christian bookstores won’t carry books that deviate from the owners’ particular theological bent, whether it’s premillenialism, infant baptism, or anything else.

    Rapture Ready! Daniel Radosh 2008


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