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  • CNN International prempted your show … when we are starving for information about the devastation on American Somoa, and the condition of our fellow Pacific US islanders?

    Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 09/30/09 2009

  • Was a bollocking in orderor have you prempted any action?

    Its Goodbye to Humour. Glyn Davies 2008

  • I think then the pretense will fall in most areas, and the elections will either be postponed, prempted, or declared a hazard to national security.

    A Paper America in the Gasoline Breeze 2006

  • The letter did not come right out and say the government should require broadcasters to sell spots that can't be preempted at the lowest unit rate that could be prempted-at which it must now sell campaign spot time to candidates.

    B&C - Advertising News 2010

  • The letter did not come right out and say the government should require broadcasters to sell spots that can't be preempted at the lowest unit rate that could be prempted-at which it must now sell campaign spot time to candidates.

    B&C - Advertising News 2010

  • Beer - I suffered from Red Sky, which prempted my trip for a bridge opening in Baghdadi, so I was just thinking about and remembering times past and people gone.

    The Thunder Run 2008

  • In particular it is the ontological shifts undertaken by the lead character of The Singing Detective, Philip Marlow, that are most apparent in the HBO productions cited by Creeber; those moments where we believe that Nate is being hit by a bus or screaming at Lisa, only to discover that he is simply standing by the side of the road or calmly eating dinner were, in part, prempted by Marlow's 'witnessing' of his wife's affair and his experience of hospitalisation.

    Teevee: 3 Kirsty 2008

  • In particular it is the ontological shifts undertaken by the lead character of The Singing Detective, Philip Marlow, that are most apparent in the HBO productions cited by Creeber; those moments where we believe that Nate is being hit by a bus or screaming at Lisa, only to discover that he is simply standing by the side of the road or calmly eating dinner were, in part, prempted by Marlow's 'witnessing' of his wife's affair and his experience of hospitalisation.

    Archive 2008-07-01 Kirsty 2008

  • This is wonderful news coming from Hawaii; the Legislators and their bill drafters saw the merit in keeping almost all of the same language from the 2006 and 2007 New Mexico bills, especially regarding the states 'rights and their obligation to protect citizens health, which are not "prempted by massive failures at the FDA.

    Hawaii Legislature Considers Ban on Artificial Sweetener, Aspartame: One Sponsor is Speaker of the House! 2008


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