
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who prohibits or forbids; an inter-dicter.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One who prohibits or forbids; a forbidder; an interdicter.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun One who prohibits or forbids.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

prohibit +‎ -er


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  • She looked, however, to no purpose; no prohibiter appeared, the ceremony was performed without any interruption, and she received the thanks of Delvile, and the congratulations of the little set, before the idea which had so strongly pre-occupied her imagination, was sufficiently removed from it to satisfy her she was really married.

    Cecilia 2008

  • Delvile himself shook with terror, lest some concealed person should again answer it, and Cecilia, with a sort of steady dismay in her countenance, cast her eyes round the church, with no other view than that of seeing from what comer the prohibiter would start.

    Cecilia 2008

  • Delvile himself shook with terror, lest some concealed person should again answer it, and Cecilia, with a sort of steady dismay in her countenance, cast her eyes round the church, with no other view than that of seeing from what comer the prohibiter would start.

    Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 3 Fanny Burney 1796

  • She looked, however, to no purpose; no prohibiter appeared, the ceremony was performed without any interruption, and she received the thanks of Delvile, and the congratulations of the little set, before the idea which had so strongly pre-occupied her imagination, was sufficiently removed from it to satisfy her she was really married.

    Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 3 Fanny Burney 1796

  • That would make them ALL prohibiter persons from carrying a gun at ALL, let alone concealed.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local milomonkey 2010

  • That would make them ALL prohibiter persons from carrying a gun at ALL, let alone concealed.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local swatson839 2010

  • That would make them ALL prohibiter persons from carrying a gun at ALL, let alone concealed.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local BO 2010

  • That would make them ALL prohibiter persons from carrying a gun at ALL, let alone concealed.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local swatson839 2010

  • That would make them ALL prohibiter persons from carrying a gun at ALL, let alone concealed.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local BO 2010

  • That would make them ALL prohibiter persons from carrying a gun at ALL, let alone concealed.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local SL10 2010


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