
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Pertaining to protection.


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  • And so what we have to talk about, is it NAFTA which I voted against, is it a CAFTA which I voted against, are there protection for laborers, a protectional right?

    CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2007 2007

  • And so what we have to talk about, is it NAFTA which I voted against, is it a CAFTA which I voted against, are there protection for laborers, a protectional right?

    CNN Transcript Nov 10, 2007 2007

  • And so what we have to talk about, is it NAFTA which I voted against, is it a CAFTA which I voted against, are there protection for laborers, a protectional right?

    CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2007 2007

  • People in the Congress are saying they've made some compromises and dropped some of the protectional --

    Remarks By Vice Pres Et Al On Earth Day ITY National Archives 1996

  • People in the Congress are saying they've made some compromises and dropped some of the protectional --

    Briefing By Vp Gore And Others On Earth Day ITY National Archives 1996

  • But they were too constantly goaded on the slavery question, and too constantly taxed in all articles of foreign produce by the operation of a protectional tariff, exclusively beneficial to Northern manufacturers, to be otherwise than dissatisfied with the partnership to which they seemed to be doomed.

    State Rights and Federal Assumptions in America 1863

  • Time Boss uses the official protectional mechanisms of Windows system.

    Softpedia - Windows - All 2009


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