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  • One of the latest gems to emerge from the Islington bunker is this Young guns who will save the Labour party puffpiece, featuring a number of the more telegenic PPCs from the red corner.

    Cor! And other stories… Alix Mortimer 2009

  • One of the latest gems to emerge from the Islington bunker is this Young guns who will save the Labour party puffpiece, featuring a number of the more telegenic PPCs from the red corner.

    Six reasons why Labour Britain is doomed Alix Mortimer 2009

  • Considering the constant, well-known outpouring of various mullahs calling for the deaths of all Jews and which rarely get serious condemnation from the intelligentsia, Amis's remarks had the timbre of a puffpiece written for a starlet in a glossy magazine.

    BRAVO TEV 2007

  • Right now, we need a workhorse president who'll "focus like a laser beam" on our economic troubles instead of giving puffpiece interviews.

    California Conservative 2009


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