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  • Con flebili stille, pupille dolenti son troppo possenti a - Articles related to PCG cautions ship owners, operators against engine derangement 2010

  • Sharing the platform with the sweet-toned and technically accomplished Argentinian counter-tenor Franco Fagioli as her Cesare, Bartoli presented a subtly shaped 'V'adoro pupille' and a fiercely intense 'Se pieta ' which demonstrated all her imagination in phrasing and her matchless ability to colour text with meaning and emotion. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph 2010

  • Con flebili stille, pupille dolenti son troppo possenti a - Articles related to PCG cautions ship owners, operators against engine derangement 2010

  • La Rocca di Pietore, situata né monti più aspri e confinante con paesi esteri, in tutti i tempi esposta all 'invasione dei nemici, con caratteri di Sangue ha dati segni infallibile della sua fede, e dimostrato che gli abitanti di quella, quanto più semplice e poveri di beni di fortuna, tanto più sonodotati di ardenza e prontezza a sagrificare sè stessi in servigio del principe loro; da che è sortito che sempre dalla Serenità Vostra sono stati con elementissimo occhio riguardati conservandoli in tutti i tempi illesi ed intalli quei privilegi che gli sono più delle pupille degli occhi cari, &c. &c. PRIMIERO.

    Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys 1873

  • But “V’adoro, pupille” is a really melting piece of vocal seduction; “Se pieta,” with its beautiful flights of trills, high suspensions, and beautifully floated harmonic turns is heartachingly lovely; and the “Da tempeste” simply takes off into the ionosphere.

    Archive 2007-07-01 Jaime J. Weinman 2007

  • But “V’adoro, pupille” is a really melting piece of vocal seduction; “Se pieta,” with its beautiful flights of trills, high suspensions, and beautifully floated harmonic turns is heartachingly lovely; and the “Da tempeste” simply takes off into the ionosphere.

    Beverly Sills Jaime J. Weinman 2007

  • a composer and teacher led him to the dignity of _maestro di capella_ to some royal personage, survives only in the recollection of certain elderly drawing-room nightingales who warbled fifty summers ago, and who will still hum bits of his pretty Canzoni and Notturni, "Care pupille,"

    Records of a Girlhood Fanny Kemble 1851

  • Aqua quandoque per medium pupille descendit, inferius stans, subuvea apparens, quae perfecte curatur secundum quosdam immisso acus aculeo per pupillam, ut extra fluat aqua. _ "

    Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century Henry Ebenezer Handerson

  • "Why, that odious air of Bach's, that vile ” oh! yes, pupille amate.

    The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart, Wolfgang A 1864

  • "Why, that odious air of Bach's, that vile -- oh! yes, pupille amate.

    The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — Volume 01 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1773


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