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  • To be understood as a “good mommy”, I must perform certain tasks with a happy Stepford Wife smile and a bottle of purex in my hand.

    Sunday Shame: Parenting Edition Renee 2009

  • To be understood as a “good mommy”, I must perform certain tasks with a happy Stepford Wife smile and a bottle of purex in my hand.

    Archive 2009-06-01 Renee 2009

  • A more likely scenario is that the pyro-technlogy will remain at lab level and the purex or some modification thereof would be chosen. - home 2010

  • My dad was just laid off, we are having trouble. he entered a purex contest and made it to the top ten!

    Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories 2009

  • S-PRISM Fuel Cycle Study For Session 3: Future Deployment Programs and Issues Allen E. Dubberley GE.Nuclear E.ergy 2003) - to fuel this deployment will require a level of reprocessing not experienced during the last 50 years - and rather than using purex which has been around for decades it will be technology that remains untested on anything other than at lab level - scaled up to process thousands of tons per annum. - home 2010


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