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  • Maybe this is one reason the qari sings at the beginning of a speech, though all are bored, waiting, eager for an already leaked headline.

    Nick McDonell: Runoff Rituals 2009

  • In the huge, over-warm tent at Kabul's Polytechnical University, before Afghan presidential candidate Dr. Abdullah Abdullah announced that he would "not participate in the election," a qari sang verses from the holy Qur'an.

    Nick McDonell: Runoff Rituals 2009

  • But between the qari and the chanting supporters, the old metaphor came to mind.

    Nick McDonell: Runoff Rituals 2009

  • The crowd craned its neck as the qari finished and dark suited Abdullah, with his large retinue of advisors and bodyguards, walked toward the stage.

    Nick McDonell: Runoff Rituals 2009

  • Tgħallem u l-prattika dawn twemminijiet tali li tista 'tinqara mill-memorja ta' mill-inqas wieħed minnhom mingħajr qari test.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows guidetorepent 2010

  • Bidu qari tal-Bibbja 5  Bidu qari tal-Bibbja regolarment, inti tista 'tibda mill-Evanġelju ta' Mattew.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows guidetorepent 2010

  • Some can't afford this and the Imam (who might be a qari or a hafiz or very good) will do this or close.

    LinuxChix aggregator 2008

  • Some can't afford this and the Imam (who might be a qari or a hafiz or very good) will do this or close.

    LinuxChix aggregator 2008

  • Some masjids import a reciter or a qari (perfect reciter) or a hafiz (knows the qur'an by heart) and that person leads the Tarawih salaah every night.

    LinuxChix aggregator 2008

  • Some masjids import a reciter or a qari (perfect reciter) or a hafiz (knows the qur'an by heart) and that person leads the Tarawih salaah every night.

    LinuxChix aggregator 2008


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