quintissential love


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  • Worth saying as well that Galbraith was more moderate on the cold war than most of them- like Adlai Stevenson who was the quintissential establishment figure in the Kennedy administration Galbraith was out on a limb in his moderation visa vis the Soviets.

    [incest] the relationship of choice in finance 2009

  • I see Obama as the quintissential option 1 person.

    Election Central Sunday Roundup 2009

  • The Americans love the quintissential English style and if it's with a smattering of Celtic payback so much the better - thus what we generally end up with is formulaic and disatisfying.

    Brit Flicks are Awful Newmania 2006

  • This is a quintissential Marathi dish, and I so wanted to try making it myself!

    Archive 2005-11-01 Nupur 2005

  • He, of course, is best know for the quintissential father role of all time - The Old Man from A Christmas Story.

    Archive 2006-02-01 RobB 2006

  • He, of course, is best know for the quintissential father role of all time - The Old Man from A Christmas Story.

    Bumpeses! RobB 2006

  • The nonstop action at a breakneck pace is quintissential Cussler.

    Blue Gold digitaldoc 2006

  • Like so many in this dreadful continuation of Watergate and Iran/contra, Colon Bowell was a quintissential ‘ Kiss up – Kick down’ sort of guy.

    Firedoglake » Thanks, Colin, You’re a Real Hero 2006

  • The nonstop action at a breakneck pace is quintissential Cussler.

    Archive 2006-08-01 smg58 2006

  • I agree with Brad that, at least in part, this is a reflection of the quintissential and predictable rise in protectionist sentiment during economic downturns.

    August 2003 ~ Angry Bear 2003


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