
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Obsolete strong preterits of quake.


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  • I tried to follow it but could see nothing, and I was thinking how much better a savage's sight was than ours, when from out of the darkness there came the hoarse "_Hawk, hawk, hawk; quok, quok, quok_," and as the cry seemed to direct my eye, I fancied that I could see something moving slightly at a very great height, bowing and strutting like a pigeon.

    Nat the Naturalist A Boy's Adventures in the Eastern Seas George Manville Fenn 1870

  • By johnbirmingham, September 15, 2009 @ 7:26 pm no quok, that is a punishing layout. i’m working on it.

    Cheeseburger Gothic » The Bunnies have secured the control tower. 2009

  • Sorry quok, going away party for one of the sales girlies

    Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger Lite 26 Feb 2010

  • The loud quok, quok, quok, was answered from a distance, repeated above our heads, and then there was the whistle of wings plainly heard in the solemn silence of the forest, and all this repeated again overhead till it seemed as if we were just beneath a tree where the birds of paradise met for discussion, like the rooks at home in the elms.

    Nat the Naturalist A Boy's Adventures in the Eastern Seas George Manville Fenn 1870

  • quok — quok — quoo,” are more to be relied upon as ready means of identification than any striking difference in plumage; the white-headed, the pheasant-tail, the gorgeous

    The Confessions of a Beachcomber 2003


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