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  • I found much confidence and great pomp of words, but little matter as to the main knot of the business, other than had been said an hundred times before, to wit, of the co-existence of all things past, present, and future [Latin] in mente divina realiter ab aeterno, which is the subject of his whole third book: only he interpreteth the word realiter so as to import not only praesentialitatem objectivam,

    Lives of John Donne Henry Wotton Rich'd Hooker George Herbert etc Walton, Izaak 1898

  • Whereas the components of a natural composition are realiter distinct matter and form for example, so think also the nominalists, the metaphysical components must not be.

    Clarification 2009

  • The adverb intentionaliter was, therefore, regularly contrasted with the adverb realiter.

    The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas Dino Bigongiari 1997

  • Real universals are the main metaphysical components of the individuals, but they have no being outside the being of their individuals, as universals and their individuals are really (realiter) the same and only formally

    William Penbygull Conti, Alessandro 2006

  • After the vindication of the former thesis, cap. ix., x., xi., he proposeth farther this proposition, to a right understanding of the doctrine of perseverance: “Quod perseverantia non est aliquod donum Dei creatum, a charitate, et gratia realiter differens.”

    The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed 1616-1683 1966

  • The Council of Trent met these widely divergent errors of the Reformation with the dogmatic definition, that the God-man is "truly, really, and substantially" present under the appearances of bread and wine, purposely intending thereby to oppose the expression vere to Zwingli's signum, realiter to Oecolampadius's figura, and essentialiter to Calvin's virtus

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy 1840-1916 1913

  • At Magdalen, as elsewhere, the inspection was thorough: the books were to be shown realiter, visibiliter, et distincte.

    Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages 1911

  • Now the sole way in which immortality as a physical condition can be obtained is by its possessor uniting himself _realiter_ with human nature, in order to deify it "by adoption"

    History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7) Adolph Harnack 1890

  • Certe approbare non potuimus, quod ex actione salubri, spectaculum inane est factum, quod item facta est meritoria, vel celebrata pro pretio, quodque in ea sacerdos dicitur conficere ipsum Domini corpus, et hoc offerre realiter pro remissione peccatorum vivorum et mortuorum, adde et in honorem et celebrationem, vel memoriam sanctorum in coelis, etc. CAP.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • * Principalis hujus dissidii quaestio fuit, an divina et humana natura et utriusque proprietates propter unionem personalem, realiter, hoc est, vere et reipsa in persona Christi invicem communicent, et quousque illa communicatio extendatur?

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889


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