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  • Ita est profecto, et quisquis haec videre abnuis, huic seculi parum aptus es, aut potius nostrorum omnium conditionem ignoras, quibus reciproco quodam nexu laeta tristibus, tristia laetis invicem succedunt.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • Huic seculo parum aptus es, aut potius omnium nostrorum conditionem ignoras, quibus reciproco quodam nexu, &c. Lorchanus Gollobelgicus, lib.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • His words are: Ubicunque congregantur simul viri et fomino, ibi mens non est intenta et devota: nam inter celebrandum missam et sacrificia, fomino et viri mutuis aspectibus, signis, ac nutibus accendunt pravorum appetitum, et desideriorum suorum ignes: et quando hoc non fieret, saltem humana fragilitas delectatur mutuo et reciproco aspectu; et ita non potest esse mens quieta, attenta, et devota.

    The Koran (Al-Qur'an) George Sale 1716

  • La sua articolazione è bene espressa dal principio di sussidiarietà e dal reciproco controllo e bilanciamento di tutte le sfere che la compongono.

    The Acton Institute - Acton News & Commentary 2009

  • The reference of syllogisms in the last three figures to the _dictum de omni et nullo_ is, in Lambert’s opinion, strained and unnatural: to each of the three belongs, according to him, a separate axiom, co-ordinate and of equal authority with that _dictum_, and to which he gives the names of _dictum de diverso_ for the second figure, _dictum de exemplo_ for the third, and _dictum de reciproco_ for the fourth.

    A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive (Vol. 1 of 2) John Stuart Mill 1839

  • The reference of syllogisms in the last three figures to the _dictum de omni et nullo_ is, in Lambert’s opinion, strained and unnatural: to each of the three belongs, according to him, a separate axiom, co-ordinate and of equal authority with that _dictum_, and to which he gives the names of _dictum de diverso_ for the second figure, _dictum de exemplo_ for the third, and _dictum de reciproco_ for the fourth.

    A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive John Stuart Mill 1839


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