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  • They were spirits, ancestors – two-faced Janus, Saturn, Italus, Sabinus, grandfather Picus who was turned into the redcapped woodpecker but whose statue sat in stiff carved toga holding the sacred staff and shield -- a double row of grim figures in cracked and blackened cedar.

    'Lavinia' 2008

  • This is a very garbled way of expressing her dense thought, but she brings home to me frighteningly how certain redcapped liberal feelings can go with a sinister acceptance of the terrible.

    Founding the New York Review: Two Letters from Robert Lowell to Elizabeth Bishop Lowell, Robert 2003

  • Then he picked up the cup and gestured to the redcapped hobgoblin.

    Spirits White As Lightning Lackey, Mercedes 2001

  • Momoro, Clerk Vincent, General Ronsin; high Cordelier Patriots, redcapped Magistrates of Paris, Worshippers of Reason, Commanders of

    The French Revolution Thomas Carlyle 1838


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