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  • Through the open doors of foundries you see fiery serpents of iron being hauled to and fro by redlit boys, and you hear the whizz and thump of steam hammers and the scream of the iron under the blow.

    The Road to Wigan Pier 2004

  • Through the open doors of foundries you see fiery serpents of iron being hauled to and fro by redlit boys, and you hear the whizz and thump of steam hammers and the scream of the iron under the blow.

    The Road to Wigan Pier 1937

  • Through the open doors of foundries you see fiery serpents of iron being hauled to and fro by redlit boys, and you hear the whizz and thump of steam hammers and the scream of the iron under the blow.

    North and South 1937

  • Through the open doors of foundries you see fiery serpents of iron being hauled to and fro by redlit boys, and you hear the whizz and thump of steam hammers and the scream of the iron under the blow.

    Collected Essays 1900

  • Diogenes: It's actually a device that can speak (from a redlit thread today).

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2010

  • Diogenes: It's actually a device that can speak (from a redlit thread today).

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2010

  • I checked TotalFark and it's already been submitted there - and redlit.

    Expecting Rain 2009

  • Now that he's hit it big he's run off and is nowhere to be found (I read one of the redlit articles, not sure if this one mentions that factoid).

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2009

  • Now that he's hit it big he's run off and is nowhere to be found (I read one of the redlit articles, not sure if this one mentions that factoid).

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2009

  • I've submitted it twice already, redlit every time.

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2009


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