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  • These couplets are sung and enjoyed among lofty mountains, verdant valleys, vast deserts and sylvan sorroundings, in villages and towns, by the side of the cascading waterfall and the humble nomadic tent, on the sheperd's flute and the orchard-keeper's reedpipe, in short in every corner of the land of the Pashtoons.

    Bloggers.Pakistan 2008

  • i imagine a lederhosen-clad accordian player with the polkas of yesteryear doing just fine in a peruvian marketplace. at least, no worse that the mayan with his reedpipe. still, i don't think the prince of polkas would sell too many cds.

    Archive 2007-02-01 2007

  • i imagine a lederhosen-clad accordian player with the polkas of yesteryear doing just fine in a peruvian marketplace. at least, no worse that the mayan with his reedpipe. still, i don't think the prince of polkas would sell too many cds.

    peruvian, like potatoes 2007


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