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  • Under the MoU, Bali administration granted Rp 123.2 billion to state-run hospitals in the participating regencies, funded jointly by the provincial and the regental administrations, who will share the responsibility of supervising the hospitals and evaluating the program.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2010

  • The agency will organize a meeting with all regental and municipal administrations throughout the province.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2010

  • "We have yet to discuss financing details, but we will soon discuss this with related stakeholders, including the central government, the Denpasar municipality and the regental administrations," he said.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2010

  • Under the MoU, Bali administration granted Rp 123.2 billion to state-run hospitals in the participating regencies, funded jointly by the provincial and the regental administrations, who will share the responsibility of supervising the hospitals and evaluating the program.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2010

  • The Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG) has recommended five regental administrations in Central Java distribute facemasks in anticipation of the spewing of thick ash from the rumbling volcano.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2009

  • Secarpiandy said he hoped that the coalition of parties led by the PDI-P would eventually select Ayu to partner with Hariyanto and nominate the pair as their candidates for regent and deputy regent in the upcoming regental election.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2009

  • "My goal is to produce for consideration by the regents, in May, a flexible regental standing order that would serve as a broad legal framework to allow for both systemwide and campus-by-campus furloughs and salary reductions, should deteriorating financial conditions so require," Yudof said in a statement last week.

    The Guardian RSS 2009

  • Ayu Azhari, with the full name of Khadijah Azhari, hoped to partner with Hariyanto as regent candidate in the upcoming regental election in Sukabumi, tempointeraktif. com reported.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2009

  • This is the first time voters have had a greater say on who will sit in the legislatures - the House of Representatives and the Regional Representatives Council - at the national level and the provincial and regental legislative councils.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2009

  • The Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG) recommended Friday five regental administrations in Central Java distribute facemasks in anticipation of the spewing of thick ash from rumbling Mt. Slamet.

    The Jakarta Post Breaking News 2009


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