
from The Century Dictionary.

  • To infuse again.


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  • U.S. doctors who use the purported stem cells for treatment contend they're not subject to FDA regulation because they simply collect patients' stem cells from blood, bone marrow and fatty tissues and reinfuse them without altering them much.

    Unapproved stem cell treatments causing concern 2011

  • U.S. doctors who use the purported stem cells for treatment contend they're not subject to FDA regulation because they simply collect patients' stem cells from blood, bone marrow and fatty tissues and reinfuse them without altering them much.

    Unapproved stem cell treatments causing concern 2011

  • We reinfuse a little juice back in, combine it with a little bit of natural sugar cane, and call it sweet and dried cranberries, or a craisin.

    From Pig Farms to the Snacks Aisle 2008

  • We reinfuse a little juice back in, combine it with a little bit of natural sugar cane, and call it sweet and dried cranberries, or a craisin.

    Archive 2008-09-01 2008

  • Is he going to suggest using synagogues as ways to reinfuse poor neighborhoods with money by buying or renting their buildings there, and then helping young Jews find places to live close by?

    That and $3 will get you a cup of coffee | Jewschool 2007

  • It is too late to reinfuse it by design, and our efforts must everywhere be particular, local, and, in its origins at least, small'.

    Distributism: Past, Present and Future 2007

  • Dragging into man's new year a burden, a hurt and rage that rides the blood the length and breadth of me, returning to the heart to only reinfuse itself with life and cycle through again.

    Resolutions for a Rangergirl 2006

  • Zerubbabel, and after him Ezra and Nehemiah, labored most earnestly to restore the worship of God among the people, and to reinfuse something of national life and spirit into their hearts.

    Smith's Bible Dictionary 1884

  • But Mr Stevens has been an understated leader, and Mr Obama may choose to reinfuse the court with some of the liberal passion that past jurists, like William Brennan and Thurgood Marshal, displayed during their time on the bench.

    The Economist: Correspondent's diary 2010

  • "The chemo kills all the cells in his immune system, so they harvested stem cells from his hip bone and reinfuse them the day after his day of rest."

    The Delphos Herald 2009


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