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  • They finger death at their gloves' end where they piece and repiece the living wires.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Fred Kiesche 2009

  • They finger death at their gloves' end where they piece and repiece the living wires.

    The Lensman's Children Fred Kiesche 2009

  • He's going to find a way to repiece together the leverage that the United States has lost under George Bush, and he's going to do through diplomacy, through his secretary of state, through ambassadors, through other channels, he will engage in a way that when you sit down you know what you're able to talk about.

    CNN Transcript May 15, 2008 2008

  • I can understand perhaps a downtime for having to repiece my body together but DIE!

    The Golden 1M: Please Welcome the Next Candidate, World of Warcraft 2004

  • It is most likely that the Pope had counted on some want of money or other opportunity preventing me from bringing so considerable a sum at once, and was anxious in this way to repiece the broken thread of my obedience.

    The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini Cellini, Benvenuto, 1500-1571 1910

  • It is most likely that the Pope had counted on some want of money or other opportunity preventing me from bringing so considerable a sum at once, and was anxious in this way to repiece the broken thread of my obedience.

    LXII 1909

  • They finger Death at their gloves 'end where they piece and repiece the living wires.

    The Sons of Martha 1907

  • They finger death at their gloves 'end where they piece and repiece the living wires.

    The Years Between Rudyard Kipling 1900

  • It is most likely that the Pope had counted on some want of money or other opportunity preventing me from bringing so considerable a sum at once, and was anxious in this way to repiece the broken thread of my obedience.

    Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini Benvenuto Cellini 1535


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