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  • They would restow the cargo before getting under way.

    Ship Of Magic Hobb, Robin 1998

  • They were on their way very early the next day, before the sky was fully light, taking only enough time to saddle the horses and restow their supplies.

    Fortress Of Frost And Fire Lackey, Mercedes 1993

  • They were on their way very early the next day, before the sky was fully light, taking only enough time to saddle the horses and restow their supplies.

    Fortress Of Frost And Fire Lackey, Mercedes 1993

  • One of them came around the table to restow the four pieces under the web.

    Uncharted Stars Norton, Andre 1969

  • The boxes can be slung through the cargo hatch in five minutes, and I can restow them when I'm in space.

    Three Worlds to Conquer Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1964

  • The boxes can be slung through the cargo hatch in five minutes, and I can restow them when I'm in space.

    Three Worlds To Conquer Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1964

  • Williams & Creamer then had ~80 min to retrieve, update and restow the on-board Emergency Books, replacing pages with freshly printed updates in EMER-1 and making commensurate P&I

    SpaceRef Top Stories 2009

  • Well, I’m off to restow a few things and do a bit of tidying up.

    True Spirit Jessica Watson 2010

  • I'll have to restow Dido's ballast, for one thing, and take on a couple of extra launches. "

    Flashman's Lady Fraser, George MacDonald, 1925- 1977


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