
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb As a result; because of this.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From resultant +‎ -ly


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  • Here are a few lessons I've learned and am still learning along the way to keep a functioning home and resultantly, a happy relationship.

    Amy Chan: 5 Tips for a Happy Domestic Partnership Amy Chan 2011

  • Here are a few lessons I've learned and am still learning along the way to keep a functioning home and resultantly, a happy relationship.

    Amy Chan: 5 Tips for a Happy Domestic Partnership Amy Chan 2011

  • Alas, his cousins in the Fifa family managed to talk him into a tights-coordinated-with-shorts compromise and so we shall never know whether Sepp finds a ladder at the thigh an unbearable infringement of style etiquette, or a bit of a turn-on, though only if the resultantly exposed flesh is unhealthily white and covered in goose bumps.

    Sepp Blatter plays game of follow the lederhosen | Harry Pearson 2011

  • Despite fighting rising prices and resultantly, facing the prospect of lower growth, the Indian economy should be able to absorb these inflationary shocks.

    Morning News Roundup Deals India Staff 2011

  • Here are a few lessons I've learned and am still learning along the way to keep a functioning home and resultantly, a happy relationship.

    Amy Chan: 5 Tips for a Happy Domestic Partnership Amy Chan 2011

  • Here are a few lessons I've learned and am still learning along the way to keep a functioning home and resultantly, a happy relationship.

    Amy Chan: 5 Tips for a Happy Domestic Partnership Amy Chan 2011

  • The people are broke and broken-polarized to an extent I've never seen-not un-resultantly our representatives are broken too; how amazing.

    Broken Government: Middle class fed up? 2010

  • Mr. Sadiq started his career in an arena of journalism by launching a local magazine titling “The voice of Malakand” in 1988 at remote area of Pakistan under such circumstances when journalistic activities were confined to big cities only and resultantly the distant areas remained uncovered as well as invisible in the national press.

    Press Freedom in Pakistan 2009

  • The presumption is that the resultantly large deficit must be "financed" by flows of foreign reserves, which, for the most part, must be attracted by high returns and a stable political, economic, and social environment.

    Marshall Auerback: The US Dollar: Don't Just Do Something, Stand There! 2009

  • I was researching, as the law is integral to what I want to say about the presentation topic, and resultantly found your blog.

    Geert Wilders: the Home Office's decision is unlawful 2009


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