
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The state or quality of being revisable


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

revisable +‎ -ity


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  • Certainly, though, as an observation about the revisability of claims of logic and meaning, Quine's claim seems right.

    The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction Rey, Georges 2008

  • Quine's claim of universal revisability (which itself needs some modification; see Putnam 1978) thus misses its mark against them.

    Vienna Circle Uebel, Thomas 2006

  • So as to discard the analytic/synthetic distinction as an unwarranted dogma, Quine in “Two Dogmas” argued for the in-principle revisability of all knowledge claims and criticised the impossibility of defining analyticity in a non-circular fashion.

    Vienna Circle Uebel, Thomas 2006

  • In this way we might see an analogy between the revisability of moral judgments and observations.

    Reflective Equilibrium Daniels, Norman 2003

  • This revisability of the initial beliefs, and their dependence on other beliefs when reasons for them are requested, means no such special epistemological story has to be told about them.

    Reflective Equilibrium Daniels, Norman 2003

  • Other foundationalists at least claim that some subset of our moral beliefs are immediately or directly justified or warranted (leaving aside the issue of revisability) and serve as the basis on which all other beliefs are justified.

    Reflective Equilibrium Daniels, Norman 2003

  • My intuition though is that the biggest barrier to a viable transdisciplinary culture of inquiry is actually not its "transdisciplinary" character but rather the attention it calls to the essential revisability not only of local understandings but of human understanding itself.

    Serendip's Exchange - 2009

  • A serious, earnest claim of conscience should be held to the same standards as any other: honesty, rationality, consistency, evidence, feasibility, legality, morality, and revisability ...

    Balderdash 2009

  • In the sciences, fallibility and revisability are virtues.

    Balderdash Agagooga 2009

  • I was very struck by the suggestion that "the biggest barrier to a viable transdisciplinary culture of inquiry is ... the attention it calls to the essential revisability ... of human understanding," by the claim that

    Serendip's Exchange - 2009


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