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  • Lanziano signore inasprito dalla solitudine, per tenere fede ad una promessa fatta e sfuggire al ricovero in una casa di riposo, si rimette in gioco e parte allavventura.

    Archive 2009-11-01 admin 2009

  • Lanziano signore inasprito dalla solitudine, per tenere fede ad una promessa fatta e sfuggire al ricovero in una casa di riposo, si rimette in gioco e parte allavventura.

    Disney sull'adozione spirituale. Virna Lisi e i suoi nipoti all ... admin 2009

  • These are two pleasant suburban retreats that the merchants of Smyrna, have established as a _ricovero_ from the toils of the city.

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847 Various

  • Donizetti's _Lucia di Lammermoor_, he launched the "Maladetta" phrase of the curse with a voice that was almost "white" with frenzied rage; while the pathetic sombre quality he employed in the "_Fra poco a me ricovero_" fitly accorded with the despairing mood and gloomy surroundings of the hapless Edgardo.

    Style in Singing W. E. Haslam

  • The tenor demonstrated what a superb artist he can be in the final act aria "Fra poco a me ricovero."

    unknown title 2009

  • In the final scene, he seemed to push his volume to the limit in the aria "Fra poco a me ricovero," ( "Soon an uncared-for tomb shall give me refuge", but then pulled off the delicate "Tu che a Dio"

    HappyNews - Top Stories 2008


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