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  • Oddly they did not attract ringbilled gulls, who are the premiere flycatchers among gull kind.

    Archive 2008-06-01 2008

  • There were great black backs, herring gulls, ringbilled gulls, and Bonaparte's gulls around.

    north for a change 2008

  • There were great black backs, herring gulls, ringbilled gulls, and Bonaparte's gulls around.

    Archive 2008-06-01 2008

  • Bonaparte's gull great black back gull ringbilled gull herring gull double crested cormorant least tern

    Archive 2008-06-01 2008

  • Oddly they did not attract ringbilled gulls, who are the premiere flycatchers among gull kind.

    kid's fishing day in the mist 2008

  • Bonaparte's gull great black back gull ringbilled gull herring gull double crested cormorant least tern

    do goldfinches eat barnacles? 2008

  • The gulls, all three usual species ringbilled gull, herring gull, and great black back, keep flying into the wind and getting blown back.

    Archive 2007-04-01 2007

  • A huge mixed flock of the usual gull suspects -- herring, great black back, and ringbilled -- is resting on the sand en masse a little to south.

    Saturday July 28 -- Stairs and the Usual Suspects 2007

  • The gulls, all three usual species ringbilled gull, herring gull, and great black back, keep flying into the wind and getting blown back.

    Before the Storm 2007

  • The four usual gull species hung out on the sand: Bonaparte's, ringbilled, herring, and great black back.

    human signpost 2007


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