
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Resembling a river or some aspect of one.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

river +‎ -like


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  • The thin, shrouded tongawallah whipped his horse, veins snaking down his wrists, riverlike.

    An Atlas of Impossible Longing Anuradha Roy 2008

  • The thin, shrouded tongawallah whipped his horse, veins snaking down his wrists, riverlike.

    An Atlas of Impossible Longing Anuradha Roy 2008

  • The thin, shrouded tongawallah whipped his horse, veins snaking down his wrists, riverlike.

    An Atlas of Impossible Longing Anuradha Roy 2008

  • Locals in Indonesia reported seeing rolling, riverlike waters flooding some areas and 30-meter-high, bulldozer-like walls of sea flattening others.


  • Manumbai Channel is one of those riverlike canyons of salt water that transect the main Aru cluster from west to east.

    The Song of The Dodo David Quammen 2004

  • Manumbai Channel is one of those riverlike canyons of salt water that transect the main Aru cluster from west to east.

    The Song of The Dodo David Quammen 2004

  • It was a riverlike width of green that had its start at Chamberlain Avenue near the Queensway, and ran southeasterly towards the Rideau Canal, broken only once by Bank Street and again by Clemow, before driving under O'Connor to the canal.

    Moonheart De Lint, Charles, 1951- 1990

  • The image of a cold brew, the glass beaded with moisture and foam trailing riverlike down its side at a crowded happy-hour bar, filled his mind.

    Honorbound Taylor, Laura 1988

  • Then, two miles east of the Reservation, he caught a new sound-the flowing, riverlike, murmur of something vast on the move.

    Uller Uprising Piper, H. Beam 1952

  • Then, two miles east of the Reservation, he caught a new sound -- the flowing, riverlike, murmur of something vast on the move.

    Ullr Uprising H. Beam Piper 1934


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