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  • ‘And who are these?’ said the Queen, pointing to the three gardeners who were lying round the rosetree; for, you see, as they were lying on their faces, and the pattern on their backs was the same as the rest of the pack, she could not tell whether they were gardeners, or soldiers, or courtiers, or three of her own children.

    Alice in Wonderland 2003

  • She took the myrtle branch and sang in turn another song of pleasure, in her left hand still the flower of the rosetree, and let loose over her naked shoulder, down her arm and back, the darkness of her hair.

    Poetry Pages - 98.06.10 1998

  • She took the myrtle branch and sang in turn another song of pleasure, in her left hand still the flower of the rosetree, and let loose over her naked shoulder, down her arm and back, the darkness of her hair.

    From the Greek 1998

  • It dashed a near-by shrub, a ragged rosetree that Seth had planted, against the window.

    The Way of the Wind Zoe Anderson Norris

  • _ "While the nightingale sings thy praises with a loud voice, I am all ear like the stalk of the rosetree."

    Zophiel A Poem Maria Gowen Brooks

  • ` And who are THESE? 'said the Queen, pointing to the three gardeners who were lying round the rosetree; for, you see, as they were lying on their faces, and the pattern on their backs was the same as the rest of the pack, she could not tell whether they were gardeners, or soldiers, or courtiers, or three of her own children.

    Alice's Adventures In Wonderland 1901

  • And then, turning to the rosetree, she went on, "What have you been doing here?"

    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1866

  • 'And who are THESE?' said the Queen, pointing to the three gardeners who were lying round the rosetree; for, you see, as they were lying on their faces, and the pattern on their backs was the same as the rest of the pack, she could not tell whether they were gardeners, or soldiers, or courtiers, or three of her own children.

    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 1865

  • But her father's memory itself thus seemed to give this home a sanction which the former had not; and she rose quietly and began mechanically to put things in order, sighing as she saw all so neglected, till she came to the rosetree, and that alone showed heed and care.

    My Novel — Volume 07 Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • But her father's memory itself thus seemed to give this home a sanction which the former had not; and she rose quietly and began mechanically to put things in order, sighing as she saw all so neglected, till she came to the rosetree, and that alone showed heed and care.

    My Novel — Complete Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838


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