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  • "This really says a lot about the success learners are having with the interactive language-learning solutions from Rosetta Stone and is further proof to learners that we continue to work to help them achieve their goals." www.

    Macworld UK News 2010

  • PAY AND LEARN RosettaStone, the best-known language program, now offers Totale, (rosettastone. com) a $1,000 product that includes RosettaCourse, a traditional lesson-based module; RosettaStudio, a place where a user can talk to a native speaker via video chat; and RosettaWorld, an online community where you can play language-related games.

    NYT > Home Page 2010

  • PAY AND LEARN RosettaStone, the best-known language program, now offers Totale, (rosettastone. com) a $1,000 product that includes RosettaCourse, a traditional lesson-based module; RosettaStudio, a place where a user can talk to a native speaker via video chat; and RosettaWorld, an online community where you can play language-related games.

    NYT > Home Page 2010

  • (rosettastone. com) a $1,000 product that includes RosettaCourse, a traditional lesson-based module; RosettaStudio, a place where a user can talk to a native speaker via video chat; and RosettaWorld, an online community where you can play language-related games. - News 2010


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