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  • Nor, I should add, "Stalks gave him her biggest rosycheeked smile, 'do any of the senior Railtons hold with the current theory on the late Sir Caspar."

    Final Resting Place of The Pen 2010

  • Oh, how they did look sweet, lying there, like big, rosycheeked dolls.

    Honey V.C. Andrews 2001

  • Laird's description of the Soviet nuclear arsenal bears about as much relation to reality as the rosycheeked peasants trotted out for inspection by the delighted and bamboozled Empress.

    Memo to the AP Editors: How Laird Lied Stone, I.F. 1970

  • College, were mingled the provincial aristocracy, foxhunting squires and their rosycheeked daughters, who had come in queerlooking family coaches drawn by carthorses from the remotest parishes of three or four counties to see their Sovereign.

    The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 4 Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay 1829

  • Public-health experts who have led the studies caution that there is no simple explanation of why so many members of a profession once associated with rosycheeked longevity have become so unhealthy and unhappy. stories PAUL VITELLO THE NEW YORK TIMES 2010


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