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  • I always like to be one of the first to talk to an author, before they've hit the media roundrobin and heard all my questions 100 times before.

    An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs. 2008

  • It was Roosevelt, following the capture of Santiago, who with Leonard Wood wrote the famous roundrobin letter to General Shafter, saying that the army must be moved at once or else perish of malaria.

    The Path Between the Seas DAVID McCULLOUGH. 2005

  • It was Roosevelt, following the capture of Santiago, who with Leonard Wood wrote the famous roundrobin letter to General Shafter, saying that the army must be moved at once or else perish of malaria.

    The Path Between the Seas DAVID McCULLOUGH. 2005

  • “Well, then, Dr. Kenn has been preaching against buckram, and you ladies have all been sending him a roundrobin, saying, ‘This is a hard doctrine; who can bear it?

    I. A Duet in Paradise. Book VI—The Great Temptation 1917

  • "Well, then, Dr. Kenn has been preaching against buckram, and you ladies have all been sending him a roundrobin, saying, 'This is a hard doctrine; who can bear it?'"

    The Mill on the Floss George Eliot 1849

  • Schopp advances to Sunday's final while Jones, who had finished first in the roundrobin, drops into Saturday night's semifinal versus the winner of Saturday afternoon's three-four playoff between Sweden's Cecilia Ostlund and Scotland's Eve Muirhead.

    Edmonton Sun 2010

  • Turner, who considers a runner-up finish a "silly second," skipped her rink to a 5-1 roundrobin record to tie Paul-Scott atop the standings.

    Ottawa Sun 2010

  • KILLARNEY - East St. Paul's Kim Link upset Fort Rouge's defending champion Barb Spencer 7-3 in a Scotties Tournament of Hearts contest at the Shamrock Centre this afternoon to finish the roundrobin atop her pool at 6-1.

    Winnipeg Sun 2010

  • Schopp advances to Sunday's final while Jones, who had finished first in the roundrobin, drops into Saturday night's semifinal versus the winner of Saturday afternoon's three-four playoff between Sweden's Cecilia Ostlund and Scotland's Eve Muirhead.

    Ottawa Sun 2010

  • Schopp advances to Sunday's final while Jones, who had finished first in the roundrobin, drops into Saturday night's semifinal versus the winner of Saturday afternoon's three-four playoff between Sweden's Cecilia Ostlund and Scotland's Eve Muirhead.

    Toronto Sun 2010


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