
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Archaic form of rustic.


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  • Enseignant au moraliste rustique comme on doit mourir.

    Literary translation (English) Rene Meertens 2010

  • I'd seen him earlier that day when I thanked him for the information that he had given me regarding a certain fleur rustique, * one I had been eyeing on every French curb and in every rock garden.

    droguerie - French Word-A-Day 2008

  • Charles Estiennes LAgriculture et la maison rustique 1564 gives what apparently is the first detailed account of French goose fattening, which involves keeping the birds in a warm, dark place for a month or two, feeding them barley flour and wheat soaked in water and honey three times daily, and in some cases blinding them and plucking their stomach and thigh feathers.

    The Foie Gras Wars Mark Caro 2009

  • Charles Estiennes LAgriculture et la maison rustique 1564 gives what apparently is the first detailed account of French goose fattening, which involves keeping the birds in a warm, dark place for a month or two, feeding them barley flour and wheat soaked in water and honey three times daily, and in some cases blinding them and plucking their stomach and thigh feathers.

    The Foie Gras Wars Mark Caro 2009

  • I'd seen him earlier that day when I thanked him for the information that he had given me regarding a certain fleur rustique,*

    droguerie - French Word-A-Day 2008

  • Wolfing down homemade bruschetta with tomatoes and basil from my garden on whole grain "pain rustique" and feeling the garlic taste linger on my tongue.

    Tasty jana 2005

  • Economie genérale de la campagne: ov, nouvelle maison rustique. 2 vols.

    Savoring The Past Wheaton Barbara Ketcham 1983

  • Economie genérale de la campagne: ov, nouvelle maison rustique. 2 vols.

    Savoring The Past Wheaton Barbara Ketcham 1983

  • 'Ce poete est le moins naif qui se puisse rencontrer, et il se degage de son oeuvre un parfum de naivete rustique.' {0g} They are, what a German critic has called them, mythologischen genre-bilder, cabinet pictures in the manner called genre, full of pretty detail and domestic feeling.

    Theocritus Bion and Moschus Rendered into English Prose 300 BC-260 BC Theocritus 1878

  • Ses disciples déployarent quelquefois autour de lui une pompe rustique, dont leurs vêtements, tenant lieu de tapis, faisaient les frais.

    Occasional Papers Selected from the Guardian, the Times, and the Saturday Review, 1846-1890 1852


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