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  • The chief figure of the American West, the figure of the ages, is not the long-haired, fringed-legging man riding a raw-boned pony, but the gaunt and sadfaced woman sitting on the front seat of the wagon, following her lord where he might lead, her face hidden in the same ragged sunbonnet which had crossed the Appalachians and the Missouri long before.

    The Passing of the Frontier; a chronicle of the old West Emerson Hough 1890

  • Today is my day off but all I want to do is curl up on my couch all day, watch soaps and wallow in how the hell I’m going to change my life so I don’t have to be worried about the job situation or that other situation making me a little sadfaced right now ….

    You know life is weird when Britney Spears lyrics can explain how you feel. ha. « 2009

  • And, alas, our private chaplain of Lambeyth and Dolekey, bishop-regionary, an always sadfaced man, in his lutestring pewcape with tabinet band, who has visited our various hard hearts and reins by imposition of fufuf fingers, olso haddock’s fumb, in that

    Finnegans Wake 2006

  • We need a new mac because our macbook sadfaced recently: (.

    Weddingbee 2009


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