
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative form of sandwich board.


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  • I'm also glad I don't live in Idaho ( "'Butch' Otter"??), where local politics are run by conservatives that ate just one step away from being public nutters who carry sandwichboard signs and piss themselves.

    It's Over -- Larry Craig Makes Resignation Official 2009

  • I'm also glad I don't live in Idaho ( "'Butch' Otter"??), where local politics are run by conservatives that ate just one step away from being public nutters who carry sandwichboard signs and piss themselves. jake wrote on September 1, 2007 5: 12 PM:

    Election Central | Talking Points Memo | It's Over -- Larry Craig Makes Resignation Official 2009

  • Further maneuvering around the lot reveals a sandwichboard sign outside the Cafe Canela with promises of cafe de olla and churros rellenos.

    You gonna eat that? Random musings on food and life in Orange County, California » La Huasteca Mexican Restaurant - Lynwood 2005

  • He heard someone in a sandwichboard sign shouting about maps, so he asked the fellow if he knew the way to the Cleverly Hills Inn.


  • I'd carry a sandwichboard only the girl in the office told me they're full up for the next three weeks, man.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911

  • Perhaps I could carry a sandwichboard with the slogan "I [heart] John Stuart Mill".

    Baltiblogs 2009

  • There is too much ice & danger of further ice around to stiltwalk for the time being, so I shall simply sandwichboard without the stilts.

    Drobe Launchpad News 2009

  • There is too much ice & danger of further ice around to stiltwalk for the time being, so I shall simply sandwichboard without the stilts.

    Drobe Launchpad News 2009

  • The ban against sandwichboard signs will be enforced, said Mike Kamino, director of planning and community development, but the city voted in favor of easing other ordinances.

    The Acorn 2009

  • Think of witty stunts that will engage them (we once had a student walk up and down outside United Biscuits offices dressed up in a sandwichboard saying 'Jaffa Cakes needs WMH' and won the job).

    Noisy Decent Graphics 2008


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