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  • I wad jist lat them fecht things oot 'at thoucht they saw hoo they oucht to gang; an' I wad gie them guid mutton to haud them up to their dreary wark, an 'maybe a sangy noo an' than

    Sir Gibbie George MacDonald 1864

  • Get up upo 'the back o' 't, like, as gien it was yer muckle horse, an 'jist ride him to the deith; an' efter that, gien ye dinna maybe jist wuss 'at ye was a burn or a blawin' win '-- aither wad be a sair loss to the universe -- ye wunna, I'm thinkin', be sae ready to fin 'fau't wi' the chield 'at made yon bit sangy. "

    Sir Gibbie George MacDonald 1864


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