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  • Think Buenos Aires, runaway Nazis, giant dice in the opening shot and musical numbers – all grafted on to a three-way melodrama of outrageous sexual provocation and emotional blackmail that's played like a minuet by scheming adventuress Hayworth and her two knock-kneed beaus itinerant gambler Glenn Ford and scarfaced casino boss George Macready on a gigantic, lavishly appointed set that amounts to a fantasia on mid-century Hollywood's notions of Latin-Americanness.

    Gilda is pure, undistilled Rita Hayworth 2011

  • How can petite-bodied Philippe Petit, a hyperactive Frenchman with freckles and carrot-top hair, possibly carry a film that does, in fact, involve illegal smuggling, the bypassing of security, and other activities typically confined to scarfaced, tough-guy villains?

    Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat 2008

  • A promising career in the old German army had ended abruptly in 1933 when the fat scarfaced queer who called himself Germany's Führer had relieved him of his post in the General Staff.

    Archive 2009-03-01 Johnny Pez 2009

  • A promising career in the old German army had ended abruptly in 1933 when the fat scarfaced queer who called himself Germany's Führer had relieved him of his post in the General Staff.

    DBTL 17: Counterattack Johnny Pez 2009

  • A scarfaced Burmese seaman crept swiftly downstairs, where he joined four others at a darkened corner of the Barbary Shark tavern.

    Excerpt: Castaways of The Flying Dutchman by Brian Jacques 2001

  • Eldin and Aminza, for all that they stood out like sore thumbs, found themselves almost totally ignored-but die scarfaced dreamer was never one to be ignored for very long.

    Hero Of Dreams Lumley, Brian 1986

  • "Of course we'll have to fight for her," the scarfaced Eldin scowled.

    Hero Of Dreams Lumley, Brian 1986

  • "You can try to find Hero and see if he needs a helping hand-or root," the scarfaced dreamer answered.

    Hero Of Dreams Lumley, Brian 1986

  • The girls had told her the little scarfaced man had said the woman they were with was married to a sheriff named Johnson, from Arkansas.

    Lonesome Dove McMurtry, Larry 1985

  • The girls had told her the little scarfaced man had said the woman they were with was married to a sheriff named Johnson, from Arkansas.

    Lonesome Dove McMurtry, Larry 1985


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