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  • The rock formations which had formed the charming little cove in the exotic searoom weren't cliffs at all: they were benches.

    Codgerspace Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1992

  • They wore few clothes since they'd learned that the Autothor could adjust the temperature in the searoom (as they had come to refer to it) to suit their whim.

    Codgerspace Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1992

  • Outside the searoom the light was brighter, the vast cham-bers and corridors as imposing as ever in their abandoned vastness.

    Codgerspace Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1992

  • As the galaxy ponderously precessed through the universe the searoom and nearby portions of the artifact became populated by a whole crop of little Candomblean assassins.

    Codgerspace Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1992

  • Years of duty on blockade, of beating about off a lee shore, had ingrained into Hornblower the necessity for seeking searoom.

    Mr. Midshipman Easy Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848 1873


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