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  • Try substituting basil, curry, sesame seeds, Cajun seasong or ....

    Weekend Cookbook Challenge - Appetizers Sara 2008

  • Chicken skin nirvana plus gentle undertone of seasong-I was impressed.

    At My Table 2007

  • He leaned back against the inflated wall, reflecting that if nothing else the zodiac was a comfortable boat to ride, and began to murmur a gentle seasong.

    The Time of the Transference Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1987

  • If it should appear strange that the great differences indicated by the influence of climate on the production of wine should not be more clearly manifested by our thermometers, the circumstance will appear less singular when we remember that a thermometer standing in the shade, and protected from the effect of direct insolation and nocturnal radiation can not, at all seasong of the year, and during all periodic changes of heat, indicate the true superficial temperature of the ground exposed to the whole effect of the sun's rays.

    COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 Alexander von Humboldt 1814


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