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  • gagaghahaha keserenokan blom tamat ye.selase ade lagi heee mmg neat and tidy la ko ni tebal betol lagi tebal dari buku neuro lec cns ko haha

    permulaan sebuah pengakhiran.... 2009

  • I am solely responsible for this comment and agree to abide by the Comment from: abaw [Visitor] wow my skiny ethiopians brothers playing ruggby, that's a laugh lol. well, if it's just for fun though ok. but if it's for any thing elese, like to play against like the australians and such, forget about it what i'd actually advise ethiopians is to start practising american basball if they ever want to make some serious money, getting signed by major ligue basball teams in usa. that's a possibility down the road with practice a lot of practice ... matter of fact american peacecorps during haile selase tried to introduce the game of basball, which is really beautifull Permalink 03 / 03 / 09 @ 02: 12

    unknown title 2009


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