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  • Their simplicity and self-containedness allows us to see either the mechanisms themselves, or the everyday items attached to them, as living creatures - rather than puppets dancing to the (comparatively enormous) machine's direction.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Heather McDougal 2007

  • Their simplicity and self-containedness allows us to see either the mechanisms themselves, or the everyday items attached to them, as living creatures - rather than puppets dancing to the (comparatively enormous) machine's direction.

    Mechanical Thinking and the Human Soul Heather McDougal 2007

  • Madame X, currently on display at MoneyLaw for the purpose of illustrating the academic advantages of risk-taking, also illustrates the relationship between simplicity and complexity — one of the pervading intellectual themes of Jurisdynamics:Simplicity and Complexity: Is there a simplicity in all art, a deep naiveté, an immediate self-containedness, accompanied perhaps by fresh directness or startling economy?

    Archive 2008-04-01 2008

  • Madame X, currently on display at MoneyLaw for the purpose of illustrating the academic advantages of risk-taking, also illustrates the relationship between simplicity and complexity — one of the pervading intellectual themes of Jurisdynamics:Simplicity and Complexity: Is there a simplicity in all art, a deep naiveté, an immediate self-containedness, accompanied perhaps by fresh directness or startling economy?

    Simplicity, complexity, and Madame X 2008

  • Definitely a fun story (I expect no less from Mark Waid), and in its self-containedness(?)

    Archive 2008-11-01 rob! 2008

  • I will also express this self-containedness of nature by saying that nature is closed to mind.

    The Concept of Nature The Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919 Alfred North Whitehead 1904

  • [It can scarcely be necessary to remind the reader that, in point of 'self-containedness,' there is a difference of degree between the pure tragedies of Shakespeare and some of the historical.]] [Footnote 157: I leave it to better authorities to say how far these remarks apply also to Greek Tragedy, however much the language of

    Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth 1893

  • The suitableness of the political pamphlet, both by size and self-containedness, for such a volume as this, needs no justification except that which it, like everything else, must receive, by being put to the proof of reading.

    Political Pamphlets George Saintsbury 1889

  • His mind was full of that intense spiritual life of Catherine's which in its wonderful self-containedness and strength was always a marvel, sometimes a reproach, to him.

    Robert Elsmere Humphry Ward 1885

  • 'You cannot pretend to believe,' said Langham at last, with the same sombre self-containedness, 'that a marriage with me would be for your sister-in-law's happiness?'

    Robert Elsmere Humphry Ward 1885


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