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  • Well what i was getting at is that u teodoro should swallow your pride a bit and just take the abuse "from above" from theese selfinduced gods of gunsafety and just smile and show uve learned your lesson well ..

    Are Hunting Accidents Crimes? 2009

  • Well what i was getting at is that u teodoro should swallow your pride a bit and just take the abuse "from above" from theese selfinduced gods of gunsafety and just smile and show uve learned your lesson well ..

    Are Hunting Accidents Crimes? 2009

  • Since the selfinduced emabarassment of admitting I have listened to only one recording on the Motorola M25, I have set up its Rio-based playlist software in a symbiotic relationship with iTunes.

    Old Bones Don’t Lie 2006

  • Since the selfinduced emabarassment of admitting I have listened to only one recording on the Motorola M25, I have set up its Rio-based playlist software in a symbiotic relationship with iTunes.

    Old Bones Don’t Lie 2006

  • i wretch out of this selfinduced sleep of morning loves & & lust, awakened by the notion of lie ending such as is ... because i wanted to be so much more,

    2004-01-19;8:16 p.m.' //the solitude of darkness envelops me inaptbeauty 2004

  • It seems much more likely that it was selfinduced. "

    The Dragon Lensman Kyle, David, 1919- 1981


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