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  • And that selfloathing radiated from me and determined how I viewed all those around me.

    Sir Apropos of Nothing PETER DAVID 2001

  • And that selfloathing radiated from me and determined how I viewed all those around me.

    Sir Apropos of Nothing PETER DAVID 2001

  • And that selfloathing radiated from me and determined how I viewed all those around me.

    Sir Apropos of Nothing PETER DAVID 2001

  • Weinberg claimed it was "the dread of being in close quarters with homosexuals -- and in the case of homosexuals themselves, selfloathing."

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] Aschlafly 2010

  • Weinberg claimed it was "the dread of being in close quarters with homosexuals -- and in the case of homosexuals themselves, selfloathing."

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • Weinberg claimed it was "the dread of being in close quarters with homosexuals -- and in the case of homosexuals themselves, selfloathing."

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • We can even come up with a list of our own failures that seemingly justify God's indifference and beckon us into a dark whirlpool of selfloathing.

    Camy's Loft 2008

  • Her sturdy voice, like Pink without the selfloathing, still overpowered the guitars on fast songs with big choruses such as Waking Up In Vegas and Fingerprints.

    Evening Standard - Home 2008

  • Unable to answer him, she wrapped herself around him, clinging shakily to him, half exalted by what she was feeling and half afraid, but not challenging the extra ordinariness of what was happening, or the fact that it should be this man who was causing her to feel like this, to experience desire and need, to suddenly know that behind the fear and selfloathing of herself as a woman lay a sensuality that was strong and powerful enough to sweep aside and overcome all the trauma of the past if she let it.

    Yesterday's Echoes Jordan, Penny 1993

  • The problem with that approach is that it doesn’t exactly remove society’s contempt or the self-doubt, even selfloathing, that society’s contempt engenders.

    THE ENVY OF The World Ellis Cose 2002


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