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  • Simplify them so that they can accomplish more egalitarian meetings rather than be used as a blunt instrument of intimidation by the selp proclaimed experts.

    Meetings and Governance Matt Baehr 2009

  • I don't find Mog there, I'll come back and do two years for you, selp me Gawd if I don't!

    Major Barbara George Bernard Shaw 1903

  • Sez I: "We're sent to face the foe, 'n', selp me, this is It."

    'Hello, Soldier!' Khaki Verse Edward Dyson 1898

  • "Despite this, we have a clear strategy of selp-help initiatives which focus on gross margin management, driving market share and growth through expansion and investment which we believe will enable Debenhams to continue to make progress over coming months." - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph 2011

  • I don't tend to think of series preaching as primarily of the "selp help" variety -- "relating the scripture to 'where people are'."

    Gen-X Rising 2008

  • On August 21st 2009, debra mcdaniel wrote: she is relly trying to get that man back. he broke up with her, and she begg him to married her and he said no. why would you reggie want a whore who have selp with some many black men what dose that say about you. you have had your fun now it is time to move on.

    If Saints Win Super Bowl, Reggie Bush Will Marry Kim Kardashian 2009

  • Spanish dress, selp ma Moshesh, Mistraer Lint, ve’d ask a guinea of any but you.

    Novels by Eminent Hands 2006

  • Spanish dress, selp ma Moshesh, Mistraer Lint, ve’d ask a guinea of any but you.

    Burlesques 2006

  • "There's a sweet pretty brigand's dress you may have for half de monish," Rafael replied; "there's a splendid clown for eight bob; but for dat Spanish dress, selp ma Moshesh, Mistraer Lint, ve'd ask a guinea of any but you.

    Burlesques William Makepeace Thackeray 1837


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